1.First Things First

1.1 What Is At "Stake?”

Marinade, Staking protocol, What are they? Why are they important? Why do I need to know about them? Is anything at stake or Is this another trending crypto buzzword? Where are all these coming from?


In this article, all your questions are going to be answered. So first, let's start from the last question.

1.2 Where Are All these Coming From?

Before we delve into Marinade or staking, it's important to first navigate through the realm of blockchain technology and decentralization. Blockchain, initially conceptualized in 1982 by cryptographer David Chaum, underwent a transformation and gained popularity in 2008 through the work of Satoshi Nakamoto. This transformation introduced a novel concept that we now refer to as decentralization. But why? Good question! The underlying need behind blockchain and decentralization was that of storing and managing information in a system that isn't controlled by a central authority.

Is that why I've never heard of the CEO or CTO of blockchain technology?

Exactly! Now to the next question.

1.3 Is Anything At "Stake" Or Is This Another Trending Crypto Buzzword?

What isn't really at stake? Even our time on this big round ball of galactic gas is at stake, and unfortunately we can’t really do anything about it. But with the Marinade staking protocol, many things that are at stake financially, technologically and educationally can be fixed.

Okay, fair point.

Great, let's move to the next question then!

1.4 Why Do I Need To Know About Them?

Why on earth do you need to acknowledge the existence of the Marinade staking protocol? What direct benefits do they offer you? Well, for starters, if you're already actively engaged in the DeFi community, the Marinade staking protocol offers you a simpler, more resourceful, safer, more cost-effective, and more community-engaging experience. And if you're just starting out on your DeFi journey or if you aren't into anything DeFi yet, the Marinade staking protocol offers you a unique and discounted opportunity to become part of the future of finance and technology!

Okay so, I can have a…stake (chuckles), in the future of finance and technology through Marinade staking protocol?

Yes! Now to the next question.

1.5 Why Are They Important?